A logo for canadian security training with a maple leaf in the background


A red maple leaf on a white background.

40-Hour Certification Course

As the foundation of the Security Guard certification and licencing course, the Security Training & Education Program or S.T.E.P  is conveniently structured to allow students the opportunity to start at any time. Classes start each month with weekend options also available.

As the leading training provider in the private security industry, our comprehensive, in-class training program not only meets Provincial licencing requirements, but exceeds them.  The S.T.E.P program consists of five modules that must be completed before being eligible to write Canadian Security Training's final 40-hr Basic Security Guard examination.

Upon successful completion of the S.T.E.P program, students receive a wall certificate and wallet card and are qualified to apply to write the Provincial Security Guard examination.

A security guard is wearing a yellow jacket with the word security on the back.

Course Overview

This course is designed to give students the academic theory and practical knowledge to be eligible to write the Provincial Security Guard licence examination in Ontario.

Through classroom instruction and scenario-based training and testing this course will cover :

Introduction to the Security Industry

Canadian Legal System

Basic Security Procedures

Sensitivity Training

Note Taking and Report Writing

Powers of Arrest and Arrest Procedures

Officer Safety

Basic Health and Safety Awareness

Private Security and Investigative Services Act (PSISA)

Legal Authorities

Effective Communications

Emergency Response Training

Use of Force Theory

Mental Health Awareness

Use of Force Reports

Emergency First Aid/CPR

Who Should Take This Course?

Anyone looking to get into the private or public security sector, including full and part-time security guards.


This course is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who meets Ministry licencing requirements, including having a clean criminal record. All applicants must complete a Student Application Form (available online) and full payment is required at the time of Registration. 

Equipment Required

There is no training equipment required for this course. Student training manuals and all required reading materials are included in the cost of the course, as well as a patrol duty notebook. Mandatory student dress code is business casual.

Recurrency and Recertification

All Security Guard licences must be renewed every two years.  Failure to do so, will result in the licence expiring and being cancelled.  You cannot be employed in Ontario as a security guard without a valid Ontario Security Guard licence.

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