A logo for canadian security training with a maple leaf in the background


A red maple leaf on a white background.

At Canadian Security Training we are not in the business of providing security guard services. Our focus is strictly on training.

Managing risk ensures that when employees are on-site they know their responsibilities, power and authority. This starts with the right training. The Security Training & Education Program or S.T.E.P. is the most comprehensive training and education program in the industry.

All of your training needs under one roof.

In addition to the Basic Security Guard training program, Canadian Security Training offers a diverse range of specialized training, recurrent education and advanced courses. As well as certified Health and Safety training. All of our instructors have extensive experience in law enforcement, operational training and adult education. Making Canadian Security Training the right choice for all of your training needs.

A man in a suit is talking on a walkie talkie

Professional Standards

Canadian Security Training is committed to reducing your risk exposure through the establishment of professional training practices.

Canadian Security Training is committed to reducing your risk exposure through the establishment of professional training practices.

Your Training Partner

An invaluable member of your Team.

For training partners, Canadian Security Training offers an organized and centralized format of professional instruction our clients can rely on. Not only are they guaranteed that new employees receive professional instruction in all mandatory areas of security training and education, but they can be confident that their staff training is up-to-date.

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