A logo for canadian security training with a maple leaf in the background


A red maple leaf on a white background.

Compulsory Orientation and Required Education (C.O.R.E)

One of the biggest challenges for all security companies is training. In particular, operational scheduling and budgeting of        pre-employment education and training courses, such as Use of Force and Health and Safety.

Did you know? Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), security company owners are legally required to ensure all Employees have completed mandatory Health and Safety training. This includes Hazard Awareness, WHMIS, Workplace Violence and Harassment, and Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities (AODA).

Onboard training and orientation can present a significant challenge. Canadian Security Training is proud to introduce the C.O.R.E Health and Safety education and training program. 

A group of people are putting puzzle pieces together in a circle

Course Overview

Cost-effective and conveniently designed for companies of all sizes, this unique course is separated into five modules with a full C.O.R.E Health and Safety training course running each month. Allowing Employers to schedule Employee training without interfering with operational scheduling or in-service orientation training. If required, due to an emergency or a scheduling conflict, new Employees can be easily moved to the next available course. Best of all, it affords Employers the opportunity to more comfortably budget mandatory Health and Safety training. Ensuring your staff are properly trained, safe and job ready!

Through classroom instruction and scenario-based training and testing this course will cover:

Health and Safety Legislation

Workplace Violence and Harassment (WPVH)

Hazard Awareness Education and Training

Materials Handling

Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities (AODA)

Emergency First Aid/CPR/AED and Naloxone

Smart Serve

Traffic Control Person (TCP)

Emergency Response Planning (ERP)

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is open for all licenced security guards. Upon successful completion of each of the five-Modules, participants will receive a wall certificate and wallet card.  In addition, all students receive complimentary academic tracking and recurrency reminder service.


This course is open to applicants who currently hold a valid Ontario Security Guard Licence. All applicants must complete a Student Application Form (available online) and full payment is required at the time of Registration.

Equipment Required

There is no training equipment required for this course. Participant training manuals and all required reading materials are included in the cost of the course. Mandatory student dress code is business casual.

Recurrency and Recertification

Recurrency and recertification training varies with each on the courses in the C.O.R.E program.  Participants are encouraged to contact the Registrar for mandatory recurrency and recertification requirements.  Included as part of the Health and Safety program are complimentary academic tracking and a re-currency training reminder service.

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